Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Are You Courageous Enough to Pursue Your MLM Dream?

This quote from Denis Waitley really sums up what you go through when making an important decision, like starting your own home based business.

"No significant decisions -- personal or business -- have ever been undertaken without the attendant feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and guilt.

The commitment to wade through these inevitable crises is the meaning of courage. To gain courage is to change your beliefs about what you deserve and about what's possible with patience and persistence.

Get out of your comfort zone and stretch your limitations this week!"

-- Denis Waitley

What do you deserve from this life? Are you willing to feel uncomfortable while your beliefs catch up with your imagination? Will you let someone who knows nothing about MLM talk you out of your dream?

You can view the newsletter I clipped the quote from online here:
Denis Waitley Newsletter

All the best,