''If you work hard on your job, you could make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you could make a fortune.
Your income is primarily determined by your philosophy, not the economy.
Success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person. It's not something you pursue.''
~ Jim Rohn quotes
How to succeed in MLM?
Become and attractive person.
All else being equal, the one who has spent the energy and time getting to know what they desire, why they want it, and what inspires them, will be more attractive than 1 million who follow the time-worn and super embarassing 'ignorance on fire' approach to MLM.
What do you really want from your life? Know that and you will attract others who also know that about themselves.
You will begin to attract the people who, like you, know that MLM can make dreams come true, but only if you know what your dreams are. Those are the people you want in your organization.
Vague ideas that lots of money would be cool, don't cut it once the initial thrill has worn off.
Gahndi's words are apropos for so many situations, and fit quite nicely here: ''You must be the change you want to see in the world.''
You must be certain of what you want, and then certain that of all the ways to get it, MLM is the best vehicle for you. If it isn't, keep looking because it is not as easy as most people want you to believe.
Steer clear of anyone who tells you it's ''so easy anyone can do it''. But before you say no, ask them to please define easy:-) Then come back and tell us what they say. (In other words, post a comment).
All my best,
Prospecting Stinks. Stop Wasting Time And
Money on Leads and Cold Calling. See How.
Prospecting Stinks. Stop Wasting Time And
Money on Leads and Cold Calling. See How.