Sunday, August 26, 2007

A New Home for the MLM Work at Home Blog

The MLM Work at Home Blog has a new home!
The new blog is much easier to read, because I am able to categorized my posts, and even create series of posts that are cataloged together. That makes it a lot nicer for visitors.

It is a really exciting new blogging format. If you are a blogger, check it out at my affiliate site here:

One thing I truly will not miss is the word verification. For some reason even when it is right, posts often will not go through with the first try. Annoying!

See you on my new blog!

All my best,

PS If you are already a subscriber to this Blogger version, do nothing. I have transferred your subscription to the new blog. As always, you may unsubscribe at any time.


Tracy Austin
Yahoo! IM: tracyaustin30
Call me toll-free: 1-888-617-0014

Thursday, August 16, 2007

If all your retirement is in stocks, here is a great reason to start a home business now

Dow Industrials plunge 300 points

NEW YORK - Wall Street plunged again Thursday, extending an almost relentless downward spiral after problems at Countrywide Financial Corp. confirmed investors' fears that credit problems are spreading. The market shrugged off the Federal Reserve's injection of $17 billion into the banking system, and the Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 300 points.

Read the rest here.

I know many people who have their life savings in mostly stocks. This is not a good idea. For a relatively small investment, you can begin a home business, your own income producing asset, that grows based on your and your teams efforts, not at the whim of the markets.

Hope you didnt get walloped.

Be well,


Tracy Austin
Pre-sold customers call me:
(video autoplays when you land on this site)
Yahoo! IM: tracyaustin30

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

MLM Success Secret: Attraction

''If you work hard on your job, you could make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you could make a fortune.

Your income is primarily determined by your philosophy, not the economy.

Success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person. It's not something you pursue.''
~ Jim Rohn quotes

How to succeed in MLM?

Become and attractive person.

All else being equal, the one who has spent the energy and time getting to know what they desire, why they want it, and what inspires them, will be more attractive than 1 million who follow the time-worn and super embarassing 'ignorance on fire' approach to MLM.

What do you really want from your life? Know that and you will attract others who also know that about themselves.

You will begin to attract the people who, like you, know that MLM can make dreams come true, but only if you know what your dreams are. Those are the people you want in your organization.

Vague ideas that lots of money would be cool, don't cut it once the initial thrill has worn off.

Gahndi's words are apropos for so many situations, and fit quite nicely here: ''You must be the change you want to see in the world.''

You must be certain of what you want, and then certain that of all the ways to get it, MLM is the best vehicle for you. If it isn't, keep looking because it is not as easy as most people want you to believe.

Steer clear of anyone who tells you it's ''so easy anyone can do it''. But before you say no, ask them to please define easy:-) Then come back and tell us what they say. (In other words, post a comment).

All my best,

Prospecting Stinks. Stop Wasting Time And
Money on Leads and Cold Calling. See How.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

MLM Breath of Fresh Air

I came across Kim Klaver awhile back, when I was still licking my wounds from a disasterous experience with old school MLM.

I thought anyone who called herself "Ms. Stud" was just another woman in man's clothing "getting 'er done" the old fashioned way.

I'm happy to say how wrong I was. And that I have become a raving fan of Kim Klaver and the work she is doing to improve the image of MLM and the success rate of women in the business.

And I hope you, sir, are paying attention, too. Why? Because as of this writing, 82% of new people joining MLM are women. Stop trying to make them ignore their intuition and instincts with the old school marketing tactics.

If you learn some new ways to communicate with women, you just might see your business stabilize and flourish. Might take a little longer though, and I know that's hard to hear.

Here's a snip from one of Kim's 2006 posts I just came across:

New School of Network Marketing by Kim Klaver: "How to talk to a woman": "I have always believed that starting a business of your own is a little like having a baby. While the boys may like the score, anyone in business knows that developing something long-term requires caring for it, nurturing it, and usually for years to come. Plus working with one or two others in the beginning, and sometimes for years, is a process that takes time.

There's much more to building a successful business than signing up or making that initial product purchase.

I believe that's why women are not as quick to say 'yes.' First we not like to be talked to and treated as a 'score' or something to be 'closed.' Second, many of us know that building up a viable long term business with regular customers requires caring and nurturing over several years, the first of which are the most important."

Who in MLM is telling reps these truths? Why are they not taught across the board? Could this be the reason most fail (95%) and why network marketing has such a bad name? Hmmm...

Stayed tuned by subscribing to my blog. See the form up there to the far right?

