One woman's experiences - positive and negative - with network marketing. If you want to transition from being an employee or self-employed to working from home, MLM may or may not be the right industry for you. Learn from my mistakes and successes. This is not your typical "MLM is the greatest thing since the invention of nutritional supplements" blog, so be prepared to comment!
Thanks for the post and the audio link. I find audio to be a great way to learn and impact.
Do you listen to audio from others? I found a great radio place to listen to online. I listen when I'm at home doing housework or dishes. And sit down and take notes etc. it's at
1 comment:
Thanks for the post and the audio link. I find audio to be a great way to learn and impact.
Do you listen to audio from others? I found a great radio place to listen to online. I listen when I'm at home doing housework or dishes. And sit down and take notes etc. it's at
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