Friday, July 10, 2009

MLM and Article Marketing

Are you writing and submitting articles about your MLM product or service yet? Are you doing it by hand, one at a time? If so, you're going to love this new software. And if you're not doing article marketing because you hate writing then listen up:

You can have 100 unique articles ready to auto-post to the directories within seconds of writing just one (or re-working some plr, or outsourcing the writing to a freelancer for a few dollars).

You read that right. Write just one piece of say 300 to 500 words, and parlay that one-time effort into 100 (or often a lot more) unique pieces of content to post to article directories. And if you've shopped around for article spinners and realized they are all junk, you'll be please with this software. I can't explain the technology, but I have seen the output and the articles read well. You just need to make sure that what you start with is high quality (everyone's heard of GIGO by now, right? Garbage In, Garbage Out)

OK, so it'll write you a bunch of articles, but now you're telling me you don't want to sit for 12 hours to do the posting yourself? Then you really need to check this out, because not only does it re-work your writing, but it auto-posts to the directories for you. In a word: Sweet.

So if you're not yet using this powerful Internet marketing technique, for whatever reason, or if you're doing it the hard way, check out this system and you will probably change your mind today. It's that powerful and EASY.

Article marketing software

Oh and there's a special offer running right now. No not one of those bogus ones where they pretend the sale ends at midnight:-)

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